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Priorities for Port Sheldon Township

As the Supervisor of Port Sheldon Township, I am dedicated to maintaining the community's values and quality of life, while effectively addressing challenges that we will face.
Priority #1 - Staying the Course

There is no doubt that our growing Township is facing challenges and pressures on many fronts, especially in light of the announcement of the early retirement of the J.H. Campbell Power Plant.  This will undoubtedly bring about some changes to our landscape.   Strategic planning will be vitally important as we navigate these changes.

One of the first things I did after being appointed as Supervisor, was to call a workshop meeting of the full board to brainstorm potential ramifications and impacts of the announced early retirement of the nearly 60 year old power plant.   

The board and I have spent countless hours over the last three years becoming intimately acquainted with the impacts that the decommissioning will have on our township, from tax burden, ecology of Pigeon Lake, potential re-development, brownfield considerations, and community sentiment.   

I worked diligently and have forged relationships with all of the government, industry and community partners, as well as key stakeholders in the township, so as to best prepare us for a successful future!  We are now prepared to move forward confidently through this significant change facing the township, while still preserving the non-negotiable values and rural character so treasured by our community.


I hope you will continue to let me serve the township as the Supervisor, as we move forward together. 

Priority #2 - Long Term Asset Management

A secondary priority is to develop a long term asset management plan.  Over the course of the last two years, I have spent considerable time repairing and replacing aging assets within our township. 

We have many valuable assets, from parks, buildings, sports courts, miles of bike path, and natural areas, which will all require a strategic plan going forward to maintain the viability of those assets now, and into the future.  

Priority #3 - Increased Community Engagement

 The Third priority is the need for increased public participation.  Township government, is local and the officials are your fellow residents and neighbors.  What happens here affects us all and that is why it is important to be involved, attend meetings, and be an active participant in our township government.

I am always open to talk with residents during office hours, or outside of those times, if your schedule will not allow. 
I welcome the interaction, and input from those I represent.    

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